Achieve Your Life Goals Series: Shield Your Business from Issues in Your Personal Life

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Speakers: Louise Allard and Sangeeta Rabadia

Hosted by: Fresh Business Thinking

Date: Tuesday 17th November 2020

WATCH REPLAY: click here

When you run a business there is always an interaction between your professional and personal life, so it is important to understand how the decisions you make in your private life can impact your business.

This is the second in a three-part webinar series in which we look at how to legally align your professional and personal interests so that:

  • the value of your wealth is maximised
  • your business is protected from significant life events
  • you can achieve your ultimate life goals.

In this webinar we will focus on how to shield your business from unexpected life events that can have a significant and sometimes catastrophic impact.

You will learn about the Four Ds and how they can affect your business. In all scenarios we will discuss cost-effective legal tools to protect your business, when and how to use them.

  • Death:
    • What can happen to your business if you die without a will?
    • How to ensure your business can continue to operate without you
    • The difference between a Business Will and a regular Will
  • Disappearance:
    • Can anyone fill management functions if sudden incapacity from an accident or illness causes you or a business partner to temporarily disappear from the business?
    • How to minimise the operational impact of temporary incapacity using a Business Lasting Power of Attorney
    • How to keep the business running, or allow it to be sold, if you experience long-term incapacity
  • Divorce:
    • Is your spouse entitled to 50% of your business?
    • How to ring fence pre-existing assets including your business
    • Ways to shield your business from the financial and emotional impact of relationship breakdown
  • Debt:
    • When your personal finances will affect your business
    • How company structures and Trusts can shield your business from personal creditors

In the final webinar of this series, we will look further at how your family and personal relationships can affect your business and how effective planning can minimise this.

A replay of the first webinar which explained how you can use the law to align your personal and professional interests and maximise growth in all areas can be viewed here.

Why can we talk to you about this? We specialise in helping entrepreneurs, directors and investors to protect their professional interests from personal life events, so they can achieve their lifetime ambitions and leave the legacy they intend. We also deal with the legal fall-out for those who do not take these steps.